Posting just for the sake of posting. Haven’t been on this end of the inter-web for a while so I feel it is time to leave my own here.
Briefly tried to figure out how to edit this theme and correct some of the glitches, but, as it is probably painfully obvious, that didn’t go over too well. I’ll try doing this later in the week or … year. We’ll see how the dice roll. I also need to figure out how to insert pictures into posts, though that’s not exactly first priority just now. The first, at the moment, is the condition of my room. No that summer is upon us everything needs a little reorganizing… or maybe a lot. It’s also kind of inevitable due to my wardrobe-shelf being broken.Which reminds me that I need to pick up a screw driver from downtown. Maybe I’ll steal that case my dad got from his condo. Then maybe it’ll be clear if the shelf is at all fixable. Then I just have a small task of getting Nick to fix it. Small being an understatement here. But again, first things first. I’ll have to put that off for a while until the photoshoot is over. Speaking of which, I will need to pick up a tripod soon. Although with all the non-existent cash I’ve been earning lately, it’s not looking too well. Just means I have to get a job soon. And that hinges on the fact that I need to update my resume and create a over letter, which I am in the process of, though am stuck on. And voila, ladies and gentlemen, the ladder of incompletion is before you. Feast your eyes on it. Feast them. Yes.
That is all for now. See you in who knows how long.
there are several ways to insert image:
– with standard editor:
– with fckeditor, install the plugin and use it as in msword or openoffice:
incorrect any more, use default editor (block based)
I can’t follow the link. It leads me to the following message:
“No WPMU site defined on this host. If you are the owner of this site, please check Debugging WPMU for further assistance.”
As per the plugin, I’ll check it out a little later, when I have a bit more time.